Characteristics, Trends, and Way Forward for Special Economic Z...
AEZO Annual Report 2023
Zones Economiques Spéciales: Des catalyseurs pour booster la t...
PRESS RELEASE ll African SEZs Annual Meeting 2023
COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE ll Convention Annuelle des Zones Économiq...
Promoting MSMEs Development and Entrepreneurship in and around ...
Exposé de politique: Déclarations et recommandations du comit...
AEZO Policy Brief: Statements and recommendation of AEZO techni...
AEZO PRESS RELEASE_African SEZs Engine for Resilience and Accel...
Leadership vision from AEZO Steering Committee Members: Nigeria...
Leadership vision from AEZO Steering Committee Members: Nkok Sp...
Focus Report: Investment Opportunities in African Economic Zone...
World Investment Report 2021
SEZs & AfCFTA: Results from a continent-wide survey
Report of the AfCFTA Business Forum 2020
Trade Governance in Africa midst a Pandemic and other Global Ch...
Economic Zones at the Ere of the New African Continental Trade ...
Impact of the Coronavirus (COVID 19) on the African Economy
African Economic Outlook 2020: Developing Africa’s Workforce ...
International Guidelines for Industrial Parks
How can Special Economic Zones in Africa attract FDI from Europ...
Measuring impacts for competitiveness of Sustainable Economic Z...
SEZs in Africa Contribution to SME integration & local economic...
Characteristics, trends and way forward for Special Economic Zo...
AU Model Law on SEZ: Guidelines
Economic resilience, Green growth and Industrial transformation...
Innovation, Energy Transition and Sustainablity to foster SEZs ...
Performant and Efficient Infrastructure for Sustainable SEZs: C...
Preliminary findings of the UNCTAD – AEZO study on Local entr...
Driving Africa’s industrialization through SEZ development: D...
Special Economic Zones: Accelerating Africa’s Industrialisati...
Special Economic Zones accelerating Africa’s Industrialisatio...
Special Economic Zones supporting regional integration
Les Facteurs Clés de Succès de Zones Economiques Spéciales...
Mise en exergue des possibilités nouvelles et l’efficacité ...
African Continental Free Trade and Special Economic Zones
SEZs and Intra-African Trade - A Path to Economic Diversificati...
SEZs: Drivers of Economic Growth & Sustainable Industrializatio...
Eco-Industrial Parks & Industrial Policy
Beluluane Industrial Park and Free Trade Zone - Mozambique
Enhancing the contribution of Export processing zones to the su...
Augmenting Industrial Park Performance through Targeting, After...
SEZ at the Ere of the new African Continental Trade Context: Gu...