Private Investment Promotion Agency (APIP)

Private Investment Promotion Agency (APIP) designed specifically to encourage private investment in the country and implement government policies that support external investors.
The agency acts as an intermediary between the State and the private sector, closely collaborating with other public and private institutions to implement competitive, business-focused policies.

Private Investment Promotion Agency (APIP)
Name of the Organization
December 2011
Date of Establishment
BP : 2024 Boulbinet, Conakry
Namory Camara
Director GeneralAuthority For The Development And Administration Of Special Economic Zones- ADAZZ

Authority For The Development And Administration Of Special Economic Zones- ADAZZ is an autonomous administrative public establishment created by decree in September 2018, it ensures, in coordination with ministerial departments, State services and local authorities, the planning, promotion, development, administration and regulation of SEZs within the framework of public-private partnerships. By developing a strict framework for the benefit of the territories, coordinate the One-Stop Business Service Desk and ensuring investment security Guaranteeing economic benefits.

Authority For The Development And Administration Of Special Economic Zones- ADAZZ
Name of the Organization
Date of Establishment
Republic Boulevard, Kaloum, Conakry